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Desktop Computers vs. Laptop Computers

Matthew Roberson • May 8, 2020

In the search for a device, such as, a computer? Are you trying to decide between a desktop or a laptop?

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Are you wondering what criteria you should consider in this decision? Below, you find several considerations when it comes to buying a desktop computer vs. Laptop computer. It is important to make an informed purchase.

Equipment Costs

You need to analyze your computing needs. What will you be using your computer to do? Gaming? Business? Personal? Writing? Desktops start at $400 and go up from there, but it’s all dependent on what you are trying to accomplish, right?

Laptops are somewhat more limited in massive abilities. If you have massive processing needs a laptop will not meet your needs. You’ll need a more beefed-up solution. 

However, if you're just looking for something to get online with and do personal computing a laptop is perfect. They range up to $1500 in price. You should note laptops can be beefy too! 

But, if your need is for speed, lots of RAM, and storage then a desktop is going to be your best choice.


Of course, desktops take up much more space than a laptop. Desktops aren’t really meant to be portable. You can move them, but to do it regularly is hard. 

On the other hand, laptops are very portable because of their size. They can be transported by backpack or carrying case designed for laptops. You should purchase a laptop if you have a portable lifestyle or computing purpose.


If you need it to process large files, run high powered software, or are a gamer then a desktop will be your best choice for sure. However, there is one caveat, gamer laptops are most of the time beefy enough to be a potential solution for high end usage.

But, processor speed and size is something you should consider, which will all be dependent on your needs.

Internal Storage

Today, most computing solutions both desktop and laptop have good storage solutions. However, the storage pricing for a desktop and/or laptop can vary widely. Laptop storage and RAM tend to be more expensive, so this may be a consideration in your decision.

External Storage

There is a limitation between desktops and laptops when it comes to external storage. Desktops have more ports and therefore you need to consider your external accessories needs when making the decision between desktop computers vs. laptop computers.


If you have a need for a number pad then you best bet will be a desktop. Desktops have external keyboards with number keypads. Some laptops have numeric keypads, but they become bigger and more bulky in size as a result. So, you should take this into consideration.

Screen Size

If screen size is important to you then desktop is going to be your solution. However, you should note that because of superior portability laptop screen sizes are much smaller. Note, laptops can generally connect to any size exterior monitor you may have need of at the cost of portability though.

Power Usage

Desktops have a greater power usage. If you have important documents, videos, or content in the works you should consider an external backup power source. On the other hand, laptop computers use much less power than desktops. They also have a battery back-up. Power outages or brownouts don’t put your content in as much risk because of the laptop battery. 


If you’re considering starting at minimum build out and then upgrading your device the desktop is going to be your best choice. They have more room for upgrades than most laptops have. A need to upgrade a hard drive, ram, or monitor usually demands a new laptop in order to get the job done. This is not so with a desktop.


When it comes to repairs desktops are much more easily done. A lot of the upgrades and replacement hardware can be purchased and used right off the shelf. Opening, maintenancing, and repairing a desktop computer is easier, much more than a laptop. Plus, a lot of laptop warranties are void if you do the repairs yourself, right?


So, these are the considerations for the question of desktop computer vs. laptop computer. If you would like some help with your particular situation then give us a call @ 417-238-1195 or email us by visiting our website contact page: We are easy to work with and are excited to help you meet your specific needs. Simply put, do not buy blind, call on the Technology Center’s team of experts to get into the right device.
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